For example building form the front of Railway Station Tasikmalaya. Began construction in 1920, white building is still standing strong but graceful and now serves as a center of government buildings in West Java.
Sate House is on the Dutch East Indies is called Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB), laying the first stone by Johanna Catherina Coops, eldest daughter of the Mayor of Bandung, B. Coops and Petronella Roelofsen, representing the Governor-General in Batavia, JP Graaf van Limburg Stirum on July 27, 1920, is the result of a planning team consisting of Ir.J.Gerber, a young architect famous graduates of the Faculty of Engineering of Delft Netherlands, Ir. Eh. De Roo and Ir. G. Hendriks and van Bandoeng Gemeente party, headed by Col.. Pur. VL. Slors involving 2000 workers, 150 people including sculptors, or expert bongpay tombstone carver and wood carver Chinese nationality who came from Konghu or Cantonese, aided masons, coolies stir and servers that come from residents in Kampung Sekeloa, small hole Dago village, Kampung Gandok and Kampung Cibarengkok, which previously they worked Gedong shingles (Campus ITB) and Gedong Papak (Bandung City Hall).
Sate House (ca.1920-28)
During the period of 4 years in September 1924 successfully completed the construction of the main building Gouverments Bedrijven parent, including the headquarters of PTT (Postal, Telephone and Telegraph and the Library.
Architecture Building Sate is the work of architect Ir. J. Gerber and his group are not independent of the input maestro Peter Dr.Hendrik Dutch architect Berlage, who bernuansakan face of the traditional architecture of the archipelago.
Many among architects and building experts claim Sate House is a stunning elegant monumental buildings with unique architectural style architectural style leads to a form of Indo-European (Indo Europeeschen architectuur Stijl), so it is not impossible if the elegance of the Borobudur temple colored part Sate Building.